We Help Early Childhood Education Providers
With Compliance And Licensing Regulations Throughout Minnesota
Early childhood education is one of the most heavily regulated industries in Minnesota. This makes it difficult for providers, some of whom are first-time business owners, to ensure they comply with licensing regulations and other legal requirements.
At Engelmeier & Umanah, P.A., we are proud to offer comprehensive legal assistance to businesses and individuals engaged in this very important work throughout the state. Our legal team has provided counsel and representation to providers and educators for many years, and we are prepared to help you:
- Plan and form your business, and open your doors
- Train staff on the safe and legally-compliant education of children
- Navigate the myriad of laws, rules and regulations to achieve regulatory compliance and avoid litigation
- Defend complaints of discrimination, abuse or neglect
- Assess and update any compliance issues that arise while you are operating your business
Detail-Oriented, Knowledgeable Guidance
There is perhaps nothing more upsetting for an early childhood education provider than to be accused of maltreatment or abuse. The Minnesota Department of Human Services or the local social services department can potentially shut down your business based on the allegations alone — with very little explanation. Not to mention, government agencies investigating allegations of abuse or neglect communicate directly with the parents. This is a very unique field involving complex and ever-changing legal requirements.
Our legal team is very familiar with the intricacies of the Department of Human Services, Department of Education and county licensing regulators. We understand the complex relationships between the county attorney’s offices, local social services departments and the state government, and we will use our knowledge and experience to your advantage every step of the way.
Learn More. Contact Us To Schedule A Consultation.
To talk to the E&U professionals about your legal needs, please call our Minneapolis office at 612-455-7720 or our St. Cloud office at 320-230-0375 or contact us online.