Moving Announcement

Dear Friends and Colleagues:
We have exciting news to report! We are moving to a new office location in Downtown Minneapolis. As of August 29, 2014, our new address in the Baker Building will be:
Engelmeier & Umanah, P.A.
121 South Eighth Street
Suite 1300
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Our telephone/fax numbers and email addresses will not change.
Our success could not have been possible without you. We will continue to work hard to earn your trust as we look to the future. Please watch for information about our seminar in November on employers’ optimal handling of employment issues and estate planning and tax ideas to benefit our clients, as well as our open house coming in January.
In the meantime, feel free to stop in and see our new “home.” Your trusted friends and colleagues here at E&U are always happy to visit with you.